Monday, October 10, 2011

The cemetery

Hi class!  I want to apologize for being absent all week.  I lost my %$* camera and didn't know what to do.  I finally had to call on my sister who was coming to my daughter's birthday party yesterday to borrow her camera in order to get some shots. 

I went to the center of town where there is a very old cemetary for veterans.  Here are a few of my favorite shots that I captured.  I hope you like them as much as I do!
I call this one, living among the dead

This one has nice viberant colors

This is my all-time favorite.  Maybe it's the angle? 
Unedited :)


  1. Your favorite is also mine. It's the angle and the lighting

  2. I agree with Dave... the color in the one above it is great!

  3. I love them! I have been meaning to do the same for weeks, but my schedule doesnt let me out much during regular day time hours. Awesome work!!
