Sunday, September 25, 2011

Looking Up

Without much ado and lots of challenges... I've realized that many of photos are continuing a theme that I would like to finish building on for the remainder of the MOD. That theme being "Looking Up".

I've always tried to capture those moments when, as you are going through the routine of your day make you stop. I also have always tried to take a moment and realize that there is much more out there. You know... that one second you look up and notice something that if you didn't look would have completely escaped you. I've been pretty luck to experience these moments... I never want to stop experiencing them. I want to perpetually be "Looking Up" so to speak. Life can only get better if you do.


  1. Wonderful... I love it, Faye...

    Nice shots too.. the sky is very dramatic.

  2. Faye, I LOVE LOVE LOVE these shots. they are beautiful, and real! Great work! Maybe I need to look up more!
