Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sorry I am bit behind, I have been really sick. However I am feeling much better now and trying to play catch up. :) As you can see above I have a secret passion for cupcake making! I do it for all my family and friends, holidays, and special occasions so I decided to post a few from this weekends celebrations. As for the other pictures I tend to feel sometimes the most beautiful things are the most simplest. Above I have a picture of a white flower that bloomed in my mothers back yard. It was the only one still alive, the second is some danty wild flowers, and the third is a tiny leaf from my Mom and Dad's memory maple tree. The tree was planted the year my grandmother past away, it was a seedling of the 95 year old tree that stands tall at my grandparents house. This year that little maple tree will be 5 years old. Enjoy!

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  1. Sorry to hear that you were under the weather, but glad you're feeling better. The cupcake shots are my favorite...and look delicious :) I like the top one were you have the one in front in focus and you can see different varieties in the back out of focus. Nice job!

  2. What a beautiful pictures of cupcakes it makes me real hungry looking at cupcakes. good shot..

  3. I really enjoy the photo of the cupcake it came out perfect, it' making me hungry!

  4. Thank you everyone for the well wishes, and the comments on my cupcakes. I do have a passion for baking beautiful, tasty cupcakes! I am in high hopes to have additional photos posted by the end of this week. Have a wonderful night!

  5. Love all your photos, especially the cupcake. I also like the staging of cupcakes in the background. Good job!!

  6. I agree... I want a cupcake now... great shot!

  7. I agree... I want a cupcake now... great shot!

  8. I agree... I want a cupcake now... great shot!
