Friday, September 30, 2011

More Looking Up

Here are some more pics that I've taken so far. What a horribly rainy week! I'm hoping for really clear skies so I can get a little of that Fall foliage! I also realized that I did not post the first three on fotothing (sign in: faytography1) from my last post. I'll do that with the rest when I'm allowed to again. Hope everyone had a good week!

Week 6 Pictures

I like the old-fashion look of this photo

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Good evening!  I had a nice photoshoot this afternoon depsite the rain we've been having. I figured I'd better just do it seeing as it's been raining and cloudy all week!  Thankfully, we did have some light!  Here are my two daughters being very eager subjects for me.

This is Joey- 14 years old. I chose b&w for this pose.

Here is Devin- 12 (in a week!) I used a sepia tone
and accentuated the shadows a bit

Message to Sheyanne and Ron

Sheyanne, I like your raindrop photos - nice close-ups!! I can't seem to figure out what the top photo is - a plant or a flower?

Ron, I like the close-ups of your cats - their eye color really pops out

More portraits of my cats

A couple more portraits of my cats. I got in close then used Picassato to crop only their faces.



Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Rain Drops

Ron's comments on the photos of other students

Thanks to all that commented on my photos!
Tara - I like the way you used Picassa to enhance your photos.
Latoya - your photos of the sunset are amazing. I also like the photos of the Chinese art and the stand alone tree.
Sheyanne - Very interesting shot of the garden. I like the way you framed it with the fence.
Holly - Nice job with Picassa on the photo of your husband. That pepper is ready to pick!
Dnbisson - Hope you feel better. Your photos of the cupcakes look good enough to eat!
Faye - I really like your "looking up" attitude and the photos of the clouds and tree.
Dawn - I like the image of the flowers that you captured with the scanner.
Tara - it is amazing what can be done in Picasa -there are so many options. I like the effect of the blinds on your sons shirt - great job!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

looking through

I took this by kneeling behind the garden and looking through the gate.

Checking matters out on the roof

I took this photo of my husband while he was looking up at the gutters on the house. The sun was directly behind him. I used Sepia to help focus and I adjusted the film grain to get a clearer picture. He said "don't I look angelic?" I said "oh brother." The sun was so strong it was reflecting off the front porch siding.

Smoosh once again

I am glad you are feeling better, too. It sure isnt fun being sick. The cupcake photos are creative - but I especially like the leaf - nice shot!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sorry I am bit behind, I have been really sick. However I am feeling much better now and trying to play catch up. :) As you can see above I have a secret passion for cupcake making! I do it for all my family and friends, holidays, and special occasions so I decided to post a few from this weekends celebrations. As for the other pictures I tend to feel sometimes the most beautiful things are the most simplest. Above I have a picture of a white flower that bloomed in my mothers back yard. It was the only one still alive, the second is some danty wild flowers, and the third is a tiny leaf from my Mom and Dad's memory maple tree. The tree was planted the year my grandmother past away, it was a seedling of the 95 year old tree that stands tall at my grandparents house. This year that little maple tree will be 5 years old. Enjoy!

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Looking Up

Without much ado and lots of challenges... I've realized that many of photos are continuing a theme that I would like to finish building on for the remainder of the MOD. That theme being "Looking Up".

I've always tried to capture those moments when, as you are going through the routine of your day make you stop. I also have always tried to take a moment and realize that there is much more out there. You know... that one second you look up and notice something that if you didn't look would have completely escaped you. I've been pretty luck to experience these moments... I never want to stop experiencing them. I want to perpetually be "Looking Up" so to speak. Life can only get better if you do.

Holly's First Shot at Week Six

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Week 6 - Portraits

Almost there! I can see the light but the shade of week seven makes it a little blurry. Took the opportunity to take some portraits of my two favorite people. You can tell from their facial reaction that they didn't want to do it. Thank you Catarina and Christoper.

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Ending Macro

Here are a couple more shots.  I was trying to think 'outside the box' but didn't get very far.  There are a few more on fotothing. 

Pretty fall leaf

my friend the ant :)

Ron's Week 6 Blog - Portraits

Due to the lack of a cooperative a human subject, I decided to take portraits of my cats, So far only Smoosh has been cooperative. I used a light colored umbrella and tried to get the light reflected on the cat. I will ask my wife one more time to let me take her portrait. If she still refuses, I will find someone else (to take pictures of) and post them on Monday.

In his favorite spot - waiting by the door to go out.

Did you have to wake me up?