Monday, August 22, 2011

Introduction-Week One

Hello! I'm Jennifer Liseo, and this is my 16-month-old daughter, Lucy. Because I am in digital photography II, I will be using her as one of three "themes". I am considering fall foliage and "hands at work" for two more themes, but I need to play around a little bit first. I shoot with a Nikon D3000 with the standard lens that I got as a mother's day gift last year. I would like to say that I have the camera all figured out, but with a young child and a full schedule there is still a lot to learn! My fotothing username is jliseo, please add me, especially if you are in digital photography I, you can check out what I shot when I took the course last year if you like. I can't wait to see everyone's work!


  1. Hi Jennifer... All you need to work on is 1 theme and develop it in depth.... I just wanted you to propose 3 ideas for some feedback from me and the rest of the class before settling on one... One of the main goals is to place the project in the tradition of fine art photography... Photographing Lucy could be very good but it will take some thinking and research to see how you can steer it in that direction.

    I like the top image very much as it deals with light, design and space. These are formal consideration that an artist may strive for. Browse around... do some Google searches....

    How can your portfolio not seem like family snaps or commercial work? How can it reach for a deeper truth? Working with Lucy is a much bigger challenge than the projects we took on in Digital I, but that's the idea!

    Post some links here on the blog for me to look at and for others to offer feedback on...

  2. I love the first picture. Catching Miss Lucy in motion and in the midst of her adventures. I definately was caught in the moment
